Speleothems: Helictites, Stalagmites, Stalactites, and more
Aragonite Room in Carlsbad Caverns, NM | Photo: Carl Kunath

"The Butterfly" in the Caverns of Sonora | Photo: Carl Kunath Alas, now broken by a vandal |
The War Club Room Endless Cave, NM | Photo: Carl Kunath |
Bottle Brushes in Carlsbad Caverns, NM
| Photo: Carl Kunath |
Photo: Travis Scott |
Gypsum Flowers in Fitton Cave, AR Pete Lindsley, model | Photo: Carl Kunath |
Helictites in Midnight Cave | Photo: Travis Scott |
Helictite in Midnight Cave | Photo: Travis Scott |
Helictites in Midnight Cave | Photo: Travis Scott |
Helictites in Midnight Cave | Photo: Travis Scott |
Dogtooth Spar in Midnight Cave | Photo: Travis Scott |
Soda straw repairing itself, Caverns of Sonora
| Photo: Carl Kunath |
Spire and Drop Merging (now destroyed), Caverns of Sonora | Photo: Carl Kunath |
Stalagmites and Stalactites in Cobb Caverns
| Photo: Travis Scott |
Soda Straws, Caverns of Sonora | Photo: Carl Kunath |
Snake Dancers, Carlsbad Caverns, NM
| Photo: Carl Kunath |