Texas Karst Database Records

Category Count
Database Records: November 2020 Edition
NOTE: The numbers in the right hand column won't add up to the total database records because some records have multiple designations, such as cave and spring.
Caves: 6,417
Sinks/Cavities: 4,715
Shelters: 995
Springs: 3,328
Undefined: 269
Rumored: 282
Aesthetic caves: 159
Archeologically significant: 485
Bad air caves: 230
Bat caves: 390
Biologically significant: 856
Endangered species: 349
Geologically significant: 273
Historically significant: 323
Hydrologically significant: 639
Paleontologically significant: 173
Texas counties with karst records: 202
Records with linked Maps: 3,214
Records with linked photos: 2,107
Records with location coordinates: 13,808
Lost Caves - no location or topographic Map: 1,916


  • Database records:The total database records representing prominent karst features: caves, sinks, cavities, shelters, and springs.
  • Cave: A humanly passable subsurface cavity at least 5 meters in traverse length, where no dimension of the entrance exceeds the length.
  • Sinks/Cavities: Prominent karst features that don't meet the definition of a cave, shelter, or spring.
  • Spring: A naturally occurring cavity or area from which water emerges. Can also be a cave.
  • Undefined: Karst records that haven't been identified as a cave, sink, cavity, shelter, or spring.
  • Rumored: A record entered on the basis of a reported rumor that hasn’t been verified.
  • Archeologically Significant: A record flagged due to known archeological activity or observed material.  Typically a sensitive location for visitation.
  • Biologically Significant: A record flagged due to presence of biological species of unusual diversity and/or uniqueness.
  • Endangered Species: A record flagged due to presence of biological species of endangered status.
  • Geologically Significant: A record flagged due to presence of unusual or unique mineralogical, structural, and/or lithological features.
  • Historically Significant: A record flagged due to presence of artifacts, signatures, and/or other material older than 50 years that has historical importance, yet is not prehistoric. May be site of historic event.
  • Hydrologically Significant: Caves or features of notable importance to aquifers for their capacity to recharge and discharge groundwater, relatively high potential to pollute aquifers if they recharge contaminants, and/or their utility in monitoring karst aquifers.
  • Paleontologically Significant: A record flagged due to presence of paleontological material that is recognized or inferred to be of importance.
  • Texas Counties with recorded karst data: The counties in the State of Texas with at least one record in the database.
  • Lost Caves - no location or Topographic Map: The caves without any location data, i.e., UTM or Lat/Lon and no topographic map. Some of these have very thorough maps and reports.